Gonzalo Di Landro

Political Science PhD Candidate 

I am a Political Science PhD Candidate at Rice University specializing in Comparative Politics. I conduct research on gender and politics, with a focus on party behavior and mass political behavior in Western democracies.   I am currently a Visiting Fellow at the Center for Political Research (CEVIPOF) at Sciences Po.

My dissertation studies the causes and consequences of the gender voting gap in Western Europe from the early twentieth century to the present day. In doing so, it combines approaches from the literatures on the political economy of gender inequality and party competition.  Methodologically, my research articulates a wide array of quantitative tools, including observational data, historical data, quasi-experimental, and experimental designs.  

Before coming to Rice, I studied at  Universidad de la República, where I obtained a Bachelor's degree in Political Science and a Graduate Diploma in Economics. During my time there, I also worked as a research assistant on projects on parties, labor reforms, and the welfare state in the Southern Cone (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay).